
 Find Yourself. Find Love.


Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Vagianos is the powerhouse behind The Lovekick – a growing collective of women around the globe taking control of their love lives – by opening themselves up to insightful dating and relationship advice. 

Liz knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to dating, finding love and maintaining a secure and happy relationship. She is a wealth of knowledge, encouraging women to express their inner most fears and showing them the pathway forward to find true love. Through her valuable and actionable advice, education and personal experience, Liz has helped many women achieve the love life they have always wanted and deserved.  

“Liz is like that wise big sister, best friend, and love expert all rolled into one.”

- Sasha B.

 My Story

One thing I knew for sure is that I would never settle. I was going to have an epic love life. I loved love. I was always in search of it. But for so many years it eluded me. From the outside it appeared that I had it all.  Until one day at church, of all places, a sweet little girl came up to me and said, “my mother feels really bad for you. She doesn’t understand why no one will marry you. You’re so pretty and smart.” Out of the mouths of babes, I thought.  As a single woman in her mid 30s in a Greek community, I knew that’s what people were probably saying. But it wasn’t until I heard the words spoken aloud did it hit me. I was humiliated, “What WAS wrong with me?” I asked myself.

Then came the eviscerating thoughts- “You’re not pretty enough, skinny enough, young enough, successful enough, smart enough.” I thought that somehow if I could just “fix” myself I would attract in the man of my dreams. But all that did was cause more pain and more self-destruction. But somewhere inside me something told me there had to be another path. So I set out on my journey to finding love. And what I found on this journey was something better than any romantic relationship I could ever have had. I discovered a deep love of myself. And it is only you step up and play your highest game, will THE ONE step up and claim you. It may sound cliché but if you aren’t in an amazing relationship, chances are high you need to repair the relationship you have with yourself. The men, the dating sites, whatever else your excuses are, they are not the problem. And I say this with so much love, YOU are. Let me help you sidestep the pain and the heartbreak. Let me help you clear the pathway to finding yourself, to find THE ONE.
