Top 5 Tips for a Great First Date



We finally get to date in person!

After months of quarantine in the obligatory sweats and dating on Zoom, it’s time to brush up on the top 5 things you need for a great non-Zoom first date. Why? Because first impressions are lasting and lets face it, we all want lasting love…

Here are my top 5 tips for a great first date IRL:

1. Pre-date COVID Convo
Ok so you’ve decided to take the leap and meet in person. Now is the time to talk about what each of you is comfortable with. No, not about sex. We’re going back to real basics here when it comes to personal contact.  Will you greet each other with a hug? Would you prefer for now to keep physical contact to a later date? Does sitting across from each other at a table feel right?

Having this conversation before you meet helps you avoid the awkward lean in for a hug when that may be something you aren’t comfortable with right now. Solid communication is key to any great relationship so why not use this time to practice? Ok, heavy convo stuff over.

2. Journal
This is another pre-date activity but also post-date as well. It’s something that will pay dividends if you keep it in your dating practice. It’s a great way to get clear on your expectations, fears and desires for the date. Post-date it’s a great way to debrief about the things that went well, not so well and how you showed up. I’ll be doing a FB Live on exactly how I do it. Stay tuned!

3. Great Body Oil
Chances are your date hasn’t been close to a woman for quite some time so taking in your glistening, slightly fragranced skin will be a party for their senses. Need I say more? My non-toxic favorites: Tata Harper Revitalizing Body Oil or if oil is not your thing, Follain’s Rose Body Butter. 

4. A Dress
It’s time, ladies. After 3 months, I think we all need a little extra help getting back into our feminine these days. Literally and figuratively. And to me a dress can really do the trick. Just go with me on this. A dress has the power to soften you, to make you open up more which allows for better connection. And who doesn’t want that? Gosh and it’s just going to feel so good to be out of those sweats… For some of my faves check out my post IG Stories!

5. Playfulness 
Current events=such a downer! So why not use this date to just be playful, drop the heavy conversations, be present with one another, no judgements. Just human to human connection, focusing on and enjoying the simple pleasure of sitting across from another person. We’ve waited a long time for that!

I’d love to hear about your first date back IRL! Head on over to the FB page and let me know!  

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Sian Evans